Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
Die Einhaltung der GAPP wird zunehmend von vielen US-Unternehmen von ihren Lieferanten verlangt. Dazu ist eine Prüfung notwendig, die mit einem standardisierten Audit Report versehen ist. Als CPA können wir die Durchführung der Prüfung anbieten.
Geprüft wird die Einhaltung der insgesmat 10 generally accepted privacy principles:
- Management. The entity defines, documents, communicates, and assigns accountability for its privacy policies and procedures.
- Notice. The entity provides notice about its privacy policies and procedures and identifies the purposes for which personal information is collected, used, retained, and disclosed.
- Choice and consent. The entity describes the choices available to the individual and obtains implicit or explicit consent with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.
- Collection. The entity collects personal information only for the purposes identified in the notice.
- Use, retention, and disposal. The entity limits the use of personal information to the purposes identified in the notice and for which the individual has provided implicit or explicit consent. The entity retains personal information for only as long as necessary to fulfill the stated purposes or as required by law or regulations and thereafter appropriately disposes of such information.
- Access. The entity provides individuals with access to their personal information for review and update.
- Disclosure to third parties. The entity discloses personal information to third parties only for the purposes identified in the notice and with the implicit or explicit consent of the individual.
- Security for privacy. The entity protects personal information against unauthorized access (both physical and logical).
- “Quality. The entity maintains accurate, complete, and relevant personal information for the purposes identified in the notice.
- Monitoring and enforcement. The entity monitors compliance with its privacy policies and procedures and has procedures to address privacy related complaints and disputes.
Bei dieser Prüfung handelt es sich um einen “Trust-Service”, der erstmalig 1997 vom AICPA und dem Candian Institute of Chartered Accountants vorgestellt wurde. Im Jahre 2001 wurde ich vom AICPA als WebTrust Prüfer zugelassen.